How long do dogs need to sleep daily?

Have you noticed that dogs often sleep? 🤔 How long do dogs need to sleep in a day? It turns out that their sleep patterns are very different from ours.


💭 How long do dogs need to sleep in a day?

➡️ Generally, adult dogs need to sleep for 12 to 14 hours a day. Puppies and older dogs may need more, usually between 15 to 20 hours. Large breeds also tend to sleep more than small breeds.


💭 How are they different from humans?

➡️ Besides sleeping more than humans, dogs have a habit of sleeping intermittently rather than continuously! This behavior is related to their hunting instincts. Dogs take naps when they are bored to ensure they have enough energy for each hunting session and to rest and recharge their bodies.

➡️ Have you noticed that dogs are often disturbed during sleep? Only about 20% of their sleep time is spent in deep sleep, while the remaining 80% is light sleep. In contrast, humans spend about 75% of their sleep time in deep, restful sleep.


💭 Signs of insufficient sleep in dogs:

➡️ Fatigue or excessive sleepiness
➡️ Mood instability, irritability, anxiety
➡️ Lack of concentration
➡️ Decreased appetite
➡️ Weakened immune system leading to frequent illnesses
➡️ Reduced physical activity, reluctance to move, and loss of interest in going outside


💭 How can you help your dog get a good sleep?

➡️ Establish a good and consistent daily routine.
➡️ Provide sufficient exercise and stimulation during the day, such as regular walks and playtime with the owner.
➡️ Create a comfortable and secure sleeping environment for your dog.

Adequate sleep is vital for the overall well-being of dogs. Humans should also avoid staying up late and get a good sleep together with their furry friends. ❤️️

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