Why are dogs' noses always wet?
The nose is an important organ for dogs. Aside from dogs habitually licking their noses, the nasal glands secrete mucus to keep the nose moist. This mucus helps trap more scents in the nasal cavity, enhancing their sense of smell!
Does a dry dog nose mean they're sick?
It is possible for a dog's nose to become dry or even develop cracks when they are ill. For example, illnesses like canine distemper or fever can cause the moisture in the nose to evaporate. Additionally, when dogs are feeling unwell, they may lack the energy to lick their noses frequently, resulting in dryness.
However, it's important to note that a dry nose doesn't necessarily indicate illness. There are other factors to consider:
➡️ After vigorous exercise
➡️ During sleep or upon waking up
➡️ When exposed to sunlight
➡️ Aging
In the above situations, a dry nose is normal!
How can you assess if your dog is sick?
The best approach is to observe your dog's daily behavior. Look out for changes in body temperature, eating habits, stool condition (such as diarrhea or hematochezia), and overall energy level.
Furthermore, if your dog is constantly panting or if their gums appear gray, purplish, or bluish (normal gums should be pink), it's highly likely they are unwell.