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定價 $79.00 HKD
定價 售價 $79.00 HKD
優惠 售罄
免運費優惠 港澳地區滿HK$599 | 其他國際地區滿HK$999
    Introducing our small, dual-headed toothbrush, perfect for hard-to-reach corners. It effectively removes plaque, promotes healthier gums, and prevents bad breath and oral diseases. The high-quality PBT bristles are durable and maintain dryness.

    Key features:

    • Dual-headed design for thorough cleaning.
    • High-quality PBT bristles that don't break easily.
    • Low moisture absorption for dryness and longevity.
    • Recommended monthly replacement for optimal hygiene.
    • Suitable for cats and small dogs.
    • Import from Korea

    Flat small head (8 x 17 mm):
    • Easy and quickly cleans the side molars.
    • Shortens the brushing time.
    • Reduces stress
      Slim dome-shaped head (5mm diameter):

      • Good for cleaning molars and between teeth.
      • Perfect for deep and narrow spaces.


      - 尺碼表請參考圖片(如有)。尺碼表為衣物本身尺寸。建議重量只供參考。 請確實量度毛孩尺寸後選擇尺寸。

      - 每個品牌/產品的尺碼表也會不同。毛孩在這件產品M碼適合,但另一件產品可能L碼適合。請個別參考每件產品的尺碼表。

      - 衣物:毛孩頸圍&胸圍至少要比衣物小2-3cm才不會太緊喔!

      - 衣物/寵物袋/寵物床/涼墊:建議使用中性洗衣液手洗

      - 玩具:建議在家長看管下玩耍

      - 寵物碗/餐墊:請參考產品描述部分

      - 冰墊:避免放進冰箱,避免陽光直射,避免用尖銳物品損壞涼墊,令凝膠有機會滲漏。幼犬/會咬東西的毛孩,請在家長監管下使用


      港澳地區滿HK$599 免運費
      其他國際地區滿HK$999 免運費 (~US$133)

      現貨: 1-3個工作日內寄出
      預訂產品/定制飾品: 10-15個工作日內寄出
      定制/手工製作寵物用品: 15-20個工作日內寄出

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      香港:順豐快遞 [1-2天] (*體積較大的產品,如樓梯/地台,會安排GOGOVAN 免費運送到客戶樓下,不提供上門送貨。如需要上門送貨可備註, 附加費視乎司機報價)
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        Introducing our small, dual-headed toothbrush, perfect for hard-to-reach corners. It effectively removes plaque, promotes healthier gums, and prevents bad breath and oral diseases. The high-quality PBT bristles are durable and maintain dryness.

        Key features:

        • Dual-headed design for thorough cleaning.
        • High-quality PBT bristles that don't break easily.
        • Low moisture absorption for dryness and longevity.
        • Recommended monthly replacement for optimal hygiene.
        • Suitable for cats and small dogs.
        • Import from Korea

        Flat small head (8 x 17 mm):
        • Easy and quickly cleans the side molars.
        • Shortens the brushing time.
        • Reduces stress
          Slim dome-shaped head (5mm diameter):

          • Good for cleaning molars and between teeth.
          • Perfect for deep and narrow spaces.